
GlazenHuis sandcasts glass stars for Make-A-Wish
Since 2016, on behalf of Make-A-Wish, GlazenHuis has been making glass stars in its glass studio. These ‘memory stars’ are given by Make-A-Wish to families who have lost a ‘wish child’.
Make-a-Wish is known as the volunteer organization that grants the wishes of children between the ages of 3 and 18 with life-threatening illnesses. Although many children heal from the disease, unfortunately there are also children who pass away from it. As a consolation and a gesture that Make-A-Wish as an organization continues to think of these children, they give the family a memorial star. In this glass star, the name of the child is engraved.
The stars are made using the sandcasting technique. The star shape is pressed into a pile of sand. When you remove the mold, a cavity is created into which the glass is poured. The liquid glass is more than 1,200 degrees. After pouring the glass, it solidifies against the edge of the sand. Because the sand is cool, a hard crust forms on the outside, but on the inside the glass is still soft. Before the glass gets colder than 500 degrees, it is put into the oven. After a controlled cooling process of 2 days, the stars are ready.